Saturday, January 18, 2014

My grand idea this week....seed starting in subzero January

My craft and hobby journey this week, while battling what I think was flu, lead me to start my garden seeds. It's the middle of the coldest January I've ever remembered, so to keep myself from getting down about the subzero temps, I've gotten myself lost in gardening blogs and pinterest pins. When I get excited about things I go for them. No waiting or planning; I just jump on in.

So far, the Venus fly traps and pitcher plants have yet to sprout. My lettuce is close to two inches tall already! I also have 3 sunflowers peaking out above my tiny Tupperware container of potting mix I dug out of the planter I got from dad's funeral. Did I mention I don't plan well? It appears I will need to find a few bigger containers and some better dirt for my plants. One inch diameter snack cups are not going to cut it if I plan to keep my food alive until spring.

I will post more about my haphazard seed starting soon. Until then, I'm off to start on my next grand idea...

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