Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bright Thinking

“Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest places.” I found that quote in my dad’s notebook the other day. My goal is to be successful and inspire others. I choose not to dwell on lies and hate that are spewed at me. I will return hate with silence and pride. Evil is not as strong as the faith I have in myself. How do I use my life experiences to help others? I have overcome, but why? Jesus said, “what God has cleansed you must not call common.” How will I inspire someone this week? I find it odd and intriguing that the power of the mind is dismissed as lunacy or psychotic. I was not a cockroach in a past life! I am privileged to be human, no matter the circumstance! Think of all the animals that would love to drive a car or eat mashed potatoes! Keep perspective. I tell myself I am happy and healthy daily. My brain is powerful enough to make it happen. Cancel out the negative thoughts with the positive opposite. Try it and tell me how you feel in a few days.

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